Ken il rosso prenota la poltrona al City Hall
Ken Livingstone si ricandida a sindaco di Londra per le elezioni del maggio 2012.
Sfiderà l'attuale sindaco conservatore Boris Johnson e il liberaldemocratico Lemit Opik a pochi mesi dai Giochi Olimpici.
Già primo cittadino della capitale britannica, ha vinto le primarie del Labour sconfiggendo la rivale Oona King con il 68,8% dei voti.
Today's decision by London Labour members signals the start of a campaign to change London for the better and to protect Londoners from the cuts of this government that threaten to wreck lives and push us back into recession.
The London election in 2012 will be the chance to send a message to David Cameron and George Osborne that we don't want devastating cuts to our public services, fewer jobs, and declining living standards. If you want to get them out, you start by getting out Boris Johnson.