
Le vendite di Windows 8

Geek   29.11.12  

ReadWrite analizza le vendite di Windows 8, il rivoluzionario sistema operativo di Microsoft, a un mese dalla sua uscita.
La sfida di Redmond tra luci e ombre.

A number of data points have surfaced that seem to confirm earlier reports that while Microsoft's own hardware is selling fairly well, third-party hardware is struggling. On the other hand, some people with existing Windows 7 hardware appear to be upgrading their PCs.

On Tuesday, newly appointed Windows chief marketing officer Tami Reller told investors at a Credit Suisse technology conference that Microsoft has sold 40 million Windows 8 licenses since the company launched the new operating system 32 days earlier, on Oct. 26. For reference, Microsoft chief executive Ballmer said at the Build conference at the end of October that Microsoft had sold four million Windows 8 upgrades in just four days.

But Asus chief financial officer David Chang told The Wall Street Journal that sales of Windows 8 notebooks have struggled, and declined to release sales data. "Demand for Windows 8 is not that good right now," Chang said.

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