Gli hamburger più influenti di tutti i tempi
Res publica 14.01.14
Time ha chiesto ad alcuni esperti di indicare quale hamburger abbia avuto l'impatto più grande nel mercato del fast food e più in generale sulle abitudini culinarie e sull'immaginario collettivo. Ecco cosa ne è emerso.
Whereas McDonald's focused on fast, In-N-Out focused on food--its signature burger, which debuted in 1948, was made from locally sourced ground beef and fresh vegetables. That approach may have prevented In-N-Out's expansion (it has just 294 locations today, compared with McDonald's 34,000-plus), but it certainly hasn't dampened foodie enthusiasm: the In-N-Out burger routinely tops best-of burger lists, and has inspired the launch of other higher-end fast food chains, such as Five Guys.