
L'estate bollente del 2014

Geek   19.09.14  

Se quest'anno vi siete lamentati per il meteo avverso che vi ha fatto rinunciare al tempo libero in spiaggia tanto da darvi l'illusione di un'estate fredda, un'estate che non c'è stata, sappiate che la realtà è un'altra. Ed è di gran lunga peggiore.
L'estate 2014 è stata la più calda dal 1880. E agosto ha superato ogni precedente record. Inutile aggiungere che non è una buona notizia.

NASA and the Japan Meteorological Agency agree that August was the warmest on record. NASA puts August’s global temperature at 0.7 degrees Celsius above the 1951-1980 average, while the JMA, which compares temperatures to a more recent period, reports August was 0.32 degrees Celsius above the 1981-2010 average.

Oceans were particularly warm in August, driving up the thermometer. The world’s oceans were running 0.65 degrees Celsius above average in August, according to NOAA, which is a record high anomaly for all months. This record was just previously set in June of this year.

The western equatorial Pacific remained much warmer than normal in August, though the warm ocean anomaly El Nino has not yet developed as expected this year. In addition, a large swath of the Indian Ocean was also anomalously warm.

Over land, the high latitudes were incredibly warm compared to normal, in Siberia in particular. The sizzling heat in the western U.S. and Mexico drove up the temperature for the JMA analysis, while the eastern U.S. was cooler than average in all three analyses.

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