Il Canada e la perdita dell'innocenza
Eroi, morti e terroristi islamici stanno sconvolgendo la quotidiana sicurezza dell'avanzata democrazia canadese, mentre gli edifici governativi di Ottawa restano in lockdown in seguito agli attentati di questa settimana.
Canada is no stranger to terrorism, having endured the kidnappings of government officials by radical domestic terrorists known as the Front de liberation du Quebec in 1970, during what was known as the October Crisis. Mass shootings are also not unprecedented, having happened at Ecole Polytechnique in 1989 and at Dawson College in 2006.
But never before has an attack so brazenly targeted Canadian institutions in the nation's capital. With at least one attack linked to Muslim extremism this week, and violence at the very symbols of Canadian democracy Wednesday, this is an unprecedented assault on my home country.